When you search the internet for style advice, you start to hear phrases such as “always wear this” or “never wear that.” We admit, it can be confusing. We have 3 outdated style rules men can ignore in 2021. Although these fashion “rules” exist for a reason, most should not be taken as gospel.
3 Outdated Style Rules Men Can Ignore in 2021
We know that style is art. We also know that when it comes to men’s style, a one-size fit all approach simply does not work.
Today, we are going to set the record straight on some of the ‘must follows’ that are, for the most part, dated. Not the most stellar word to use when talking about fashion. Although some of these rules do have merit, most have seen their day.
Does a Man’s Belt Have to Match His Shoes?
Rule number one: Your belt must match your shoes. How many men have heard this before? Firstly, it is the most outdated rule on our countdown and one that does not make very much sense. If we were to follow this rule religiously, we would have a vast array of belts in our closet: Blue, orange, green, take your pick.
More realistically, if a man were to follow this rule, he’d more than likely (attempt) to wear a brown belt, brown shoes, and perhaps a brown watch strap. While there is nothing wrong with this, it will come across as too, matchy. A man sporting the exact same shade of walnut brown would come across as trying too hard. Let’s face it, the moment your buddies or a woman think you are trying too hard, your look is over.
How to Properly Pair Men’s Belts and Shoe Colors
To avoid this disaster, make sure that your belt, shoes, and watch do look good together, but this doesn’t mean the same shade in color. For example, if you are wearing dark brown shoes, it is okay to wear a light brown belt and you can even mix brown and black! Yes, we said it. Don’t be afraid to mix brown and black.
If you have been traumatized by this rule for years and feel this is a little too far, opt to play with grey, navy, and olive-colored belt options. These belt colors look great when paired with many shades of black and brown shoes.
Metallic Vibes
Another rule that has been around, forever it seems like, is that a man’s metallic accessories should match. Another matching rule! This (old) conventional menswear rule says that all metal tones should be the same including tie clips, watch bracelets, necklaces, cuff links, belt buckles, and wedding bands. Firstly, wow, we bet you didn’t realize how much metal a man wears!
With this rule, it would mean one of two things: a man would either have to have two of everything, or, that a man would have to pick either silver or gold plated accessories for each outfit.
Out With the Old, in With the New
The truth of the matter is, you can mix and match your metal tones. This would lead to a much more interesting look. For example, if you have a silver wedding band, feel free to wear a gold watch, and vice versa. Please, don’t overthink it.
Should a Man’s Undershirt Be Visible?
Okay, so this is actually a pretty good rule, one that we personally like to follow 90% of the time! For example, if you wear a nice button-up shirt, we don’t necessarily want to see the crew neck undershirt underneath. BUT, there are times when this rule can be broken.
It’s okay to wear a short-sleeve button-up totally open, to sport that crew neck t-shirt underneath. You can also pull this off with a flannel shirt and more casual button-up shirts. By intentionally leaving the first couple of buttons opened, you will add dimension to your casual style. Keep in mind you don’t always have to go white, learn to mix up your undershirt colors! When done properly, this can be a great look.
Another great time to bend this rule is if you are wearing a crew neck sweater with a crew neck t-shirt underneath. To enhance the look, it is okay to see a tiny sliver of your undershirt, as it will create a more sophisticated and intentional look. This will also add dimension and texture to your casual look.
Men, Don’t Be Afraid to Create Your Own Style
We know these rules have been the norm for quite some time, however, it is okay to break and bend them. The key is to be intentional about breaking the rules, and not accidentally. When done properly, you are more than capable of pulling off any of these looks. We have faith in you.